Friday, April 1, 2011

No April Fooling!

Welcome to my first blogging!
I went to a continuing education class last week for my insurance and the topic was about the recent hail storms that we have had in our area and how to go about picking a roofing contractor.

April is the worst month for hail storms and Tulsa and Oklahoma city are the two hardest hip cities in the US!

I fell prey to the storm chasers when we had the hail storm in April 8th, 2008. they blew in to town and made a huge marketing splash with the bill boards and the wrapped trucks looking all good and special. but when the ice storm of 2009 hit and I had ice damming going on and I could not find hide nor hair of the roofers that were suppose to be there for me when I needed maintenance!

I walked away from this class with a hand out that I would like to pass on to you so you do not fall for the fly by night roofers! Also I can give you a list of local roofing companies that I recommend.

Call, text or email me and I will send you this information that will help you choose any contractor.

Happy April!

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